Purely Meribel News

The latest news from Meribel and the 3 Valleys.

The Mont Vallon Challenge


The Mont Vallon challenge is a fab end of season event! Sat the 22nd April is the timed run to work out the start order for Sunday. The Sunday is the timed ski and mountain bike descent. The skiers start at the top of Mont Vallon and race back to Meribel. The mountain bikers descend all the way down to Brides Les Bains! It sounds amazing fun. 

There are plenty of end of season events such as the 3 valley ralley charity race happening as well. It is a fun time to be out in resort as the sun is shining and the snow is spring like. 

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The Ultimate Luxury Collection

  • Good Conditions in the 3 Valleys

    Snow has fallen a few times over the last couple of weeks resulting in some good piste conditions throughout the 3 Valleys, There is a bit more snow forecast in the next few weekends mixed wth sunn... read more
